I went back to the doctor today and he put me on medication for high blood pressure. We also went over my family's health history which was very eye opening for me. Knowing that I'm not only susceptible to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes because it runs in my family but also because I am overweight. Being unhealthy at twenty is a scary thing and it's definitely something I want to change. With that being said, the doctor and I came up with a plan.
It's going to require a lot of effort and a lot of my time, but overall.. I think it will be worth it. My days are going to consist of multiple small meals, eating every three to four hours. I will go to the gym six times a week. Plan A, as we called it, is three times a week and that is an hour of cardio and thirty minutes of upper body weights. Then.. there's Plan B which is three days of thirty minutes of cardio and fifteen minutes of lower body weights.
Since my last appointment, I have lost five pounds. I haven't really been going to the gym since that appointment, just watching what I eat and eating healthier. No soda.. for the most part. I admit, I did have a moment of weakness in which I had a can of Cherry Pepsi. I did also have a few sweet teas thrown in there. So, now that I know what I can do when I'm only 'half assing' it, I'm really going to throw myself into watching those empty calories. The doctor told me that I didn't need to drink just water, I needed to have juice and milk as well. The juice needed to be naturally sweetened though-- no added sugars. I'm sipping on grape juice as I write this, I really forgot how amazing juice actually is.
Today was kind-of an off day for me. I've been stressing about work and stressing about a million other things. I only slept for about four hours last night and it's not because I didn't want to sleep.. I just couldn't. Then before I knew it, my alarm was going off and I had to get ready for the doctors and work followed that. I did not go to the gym today as anticipated however I will go tomorrow. This is a life change, it's something that I want. Now I have my doctor holding me accountable-- and hopefully if anyone reads this, you will also hold me accountable for my actions!
Today, I had a Smart Ones Broccoli and Cheddar Roasted Potatoes and a Sweet Corn Nibblers serving for one for lunch today. Then when I got off work, we did go out to eat but I tried to still be good. We went to eat at Moe's Southwestern Grill.. which is fantastic. I love the food there and normally I eat myself a huge burrito but today, I had a Joey Jr which is a small version of the huge burrito. The contents? Grilled chicken, very small amount of rice, and a very small amount of cheese. It was fulfilling though. It's actually probably time that I'm supposed to eat again but I'm not hungry so instead.. I'm just going to go to bed.
Hope you guys are staying healthy! Let's do this together! ;D
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